How to Market Your Private Practice: Understand Your Ideal Client and Speak Directly to them in your Marketing

Understand your ideal client and speak directly to them in your marketing
How to Market Your Private Practice

Do you understand your ideal client?

Do you often find yourself wondering why your marketing efforts get little (to no) engagement?

Are likes, comments and shares a hit and miss occurance on social media?

You’re definitely not alone.

But, rather than it being the ‘algorithm’s’ fault, it may be that you’re not aiming your material at the right people or using the right language to attract them.

Previously, I explained how to identify your ideal private practice client. (I highly recommend checking out that article first if you haven’t done so already!)

Once you’ve identified who you want to work with, you need to set about really understanding your ideal client so you can speak to them directly in your marketing.  

Understand Your Ideal Client’s Fears

Woman Panicking
Understand Your Ideal Client’s Fears

Ask yourself:

  • What does your ideal client worry about?
  • What keeps them up at night that directly relates to the service you offer?
  • How to they currently feel?
  • What has happened recently to make your ideal client reach out to you for your services?
  • Did this person already try something that didn’t work?
  • If they don’t use your service what might happen?
  • What might hold them back from seeking your help?
  • What objections might they have to seeking therapy?

Understand Your Ideal Client’s Hopes and Aspirations

Understand Your Ideal Client’s Hope and Aspirations

And then also ask yourself:

  • How to they want to feel?
  • What benefit do they want from the services you offer?
  • What do they hope to achieve?
  • What do they expect from therapy?
  • What do they wish was true about their life?
  • If their wish came true, what would their life look like?

The Right Language Will Attract Your Ideal Client

Be as specific and detailed as you possibly can when answering those questions about your ideal client’s fears, hopes and aspirations. Imagine what your ideal client looks like, their full demographics etc.

Once you have finished this task you should have some keyword-rich paragraphs, so it’s time to pull out as many of those keywords as you can to use in your marketing.

Does your ideal client currently feel ‘confused’? Do they wish they were more ‘confident’? Might they object to seeking therapy because they fear it’s ‘too expensive’?

Once you have identified as many keywords as possible from what you’ve written, you can explore similar keywords or longer keywords. ‘Too expensive’ might relate to ‘can’t afford’ or ‘cost’, for example.

Don’t forget: Be sure to notice what language they use when speaking to you! Every client (or enquiry) gives you the opportunity to qualify and tweak your keywords.

Use All You Now Know To Create a Powerful Message

Now, when creating new marketing messages you can anchor your ideal client profile in everything you do.

Social Media Profile Tip: Instead of thinking about how you would describe yourself on social media, consider what you ideal client is most likely to search for when they’re looking for you.

Instead of telling people what you do, tell them what problem you know they have and how you solve it.

Which would you find more engaging?

Do you need relationship counselling?


Is worrying about your relationship keeping you up at night? Do you want to feel listened to? Would you and your partner like to be able to communicate with each other better?

Incorporate their language, their fears, hopes and aspirations into all of your marketing communication. This will ensure your message resonates with them by making them feel understood. They will come to you (not your competitor) because you are clearly the best person for the job!

Don’t worry you’re being too niche in your marketing. There’s no point spreading yourself too thin because it will dilute your message and appeal to less people, not more. Think of your message as being inch wide and a mile deep instead of a mile wide and an inch deep.

So there you have it: How to Market Your Private Practice: Understand Your Ideal Client and Speak Directly to Them in Your Marketing

As always, let me know what you think (and introduce yourself and your practice) in the comments below and don’t forget to connect with me on LinkedIn.

Are you going to implement any changes to your marketing approach? Do you have any other great tips?

Do you want your ideal clients to come to you?  Could you do with some help focusing your marketing and other communications to your ideal client?

Get in touch for straightforward and affordable help from Koala VA.

We’ve Got This.

Samantha is a Virtual Assistant and owner of Koala VA. Koala VA provides tailored and affordable virtual assistance and business support packages to private practice counsellors and therapists in the UK. Services include: Social Media Support, Website Maintenance, Diary Management and General Admin.