As a therapist, you might feel tempted to create content that appeals to everyone. After all, you want to help as many people as possible, right? But here’s the harsh truth: trying to be everything to everyone on social media is actually hurting your practice more than it’s helping.

The Problem with Broad Appeal

When you try to create content that speaks to everyone, you end up with a message that is weak, boring, and forgettable. You’re spreading yourself too thin, trying to address too many issues and challenges at once. As a result, your content lacks the depth and specificity that your ideal clients are looking for.

Think about it this way: if someone is struggling with a specific issue, like social anxiety, they don’t want to see a generic post that could apply equally to general mental health, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, relationship problems, trauma, and the kitchen sink for good measure while you’re there. 

They want content that speaks directly to their unique challenges and offers tangible solutions.

The Power of Niching Down

Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, focus on creating content that speaks directly to the people you are best positioned to help. These are the clients who align with your skills, experience, and passion – the ones you actually want to work with and who are most likely to want to work with you too.

By niching down and creating targeted content, you’ll be able to provide more value to your audience. You can dive deeper into specific topics, share more relevant resources, and offer more personalised insights. As a result, your content will be more engaging, more memorable, and more likely to attract the right people to your practice.

How to Identify Your Ideal Client

To create content that resonates with your ideal clients, you need to get clear on who they are. 

Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • What specific issues or challenges do I help my clients overcome?
  • What demographics do my ideal clients typically fall into (age, gender, occupation, etc.)?
  • What are their pain points, fears, and desires?
  • What kind of language and tone do they respond to?

Once you have a clear picture of your ideal client, you can start creating content that speaks directly to their needs and preferences.

The Benefits of Targeted Content

By focusing on your ideal clients, you’ll not only create better content but also attract more qualified leads to your practice. When someone resonates with your content, they’re more likely to see you as an expert in your field and feel confident in your ability to help them.

Plus, by attracting the right people to your practice, you’ll be able to work with clients who energise and inspire you. You’ll be able to make a bigger impact and feel more fulfilled in your work.

Embrace Your Unique Voice

Finally, don’t be afraid to let your unique voice and personality shine through in your content. Your ideal clients want to work with a real person, not a generic “therapist” persona.

Share your own stories and experiences. Let your sense of humour and quirks come through. Be authentic and vulnerable. The more you show up as yourself, the more you’ll attract clients who appreciate and connect with you as a person.

The Bottom Line

Trying to appeal to everyone on social media is a losing strategy. It’s time to get specific and focus on creating content that speaks directly to your ideal clients. By doing so, you’ll not only create better content but also attract more qualified leads and build a thriving practice filled with clients you love working with.

So don’t be afraid to niche down and let your unique voice shine through. Your ideal clients are waiting for you.

Need some help getting focused on your niche, ideal client or messaging? Book a Social Media Empower Hour with me for clarity in just 60 minutes.