If you’re reading this, I know you might be feeling a bit icky about the idea of promoting your services on social media.

Trust me, I get it. The fear of coming across as “salesy,” “sleazy,” or “manipulative” is real, and it can hold you back from reaching the people who truly need your help.

But here’s the thing: this belief is not only limiting, but it’s also preventing you from making a profound impact on the lives of those who are desperately seeking support.

The Root of the Problem: The Helping Profession Paradox

At the heart of this mindset block is a deep-seated belief that your role as a therapist and the act of selling just don’t mix.

You’ve been taught that as a helper, your sole focus should be on your clients’ wellbeing and that promoting your services somehow goes against your noble cause. Plus, the stigma around mental health and the idea that seeking help is a sign of weakness only reinforces this belief.

But here’s the truth: by not actively promoting your services and making yourself visible to those who need you, you’re actually perpetuating the very stigma you want to break down. 

Redefining Selling: From Manipulation to Empowerment

To break free from this limiting belief, you need to redefine what selling means in the context of your profession.

Selling isn’t about manipulation or coercion; it’s about empowerment and advocacy.

When you promote your services on social media, you’re not just selling a service – you’re offering a lifeline to those who are struggling, a path towards transformation and resilience.

Think about it: every single day, countless people are scrolling through their social media feeds, desperately looking for answers to their problems. They might not even know that therapy is an option, or they might be too afraid to take that first step. By showing up consistently and authentically on these platforms, you’re planting a seed of hope, letting your ideal clients know that they’re not alone and that help is available.

The Power of Authentic Content: Balancing Value and Promotion

I know you might be worried that your content will come across as too promotional if you start selling on social media.

But guess what?

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

The most effective way to sell on social media is by providing genuine value to your audience.

When you share insights, tips, and strategies that address your ideal client’s pain points and challenges, you’re showcasing your expertise and building trust with your followers. You’re showing them that you understand their struggles and that you have the knowledge and skills to help them overcome them. This type of content isn’t just helpful – it’s deeply empowering.

Of course, it’s important to strike a balance between providing value and promoting your services. The key is to include clear calls to action that let your audience know how they can take the next step in working with you. Whether it’s booking a consultation, signing up for your newsletter, or downloading a free resource, these calls to action serve as an invitation to deepen the relationship and access the support they need.

Embracing Your Role as a Changemaker

As a therapist, you have a unique opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of others. By embracing your role as a changemaker and leveraging social media to promote your services, you’re not only growing your practice but also contributing to a larger shift in the way society views mental health.

Every time you show up authentically on social media, you’re normalizing the conversation around therapy and breaking down the barriers that prevent people from seeking help. You’re sending a powerful message that prioritising one’s mental health isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather a courageous act of self-love and resilience.

Overcoming Mindset Blockers: The Social Media Empower Hour

If you’re struggling with mindset blockers around selling on social media, know that you’re not alone. These beliefs are deeply ingrained and can be tough to overcome on your own. That’s why I offer my Social Media Empower Hour – a 60-minute session to help you gain clarity, confidence, and practical strategies to authentically promote your services online.

During this power-packed hour, we’ll dive deep into your unique challenges and goals, uncovering the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from making a meaningful impact on social media. You’ll walk away with a renewed sense of purpose, a clear action plan, and the tools you need to show up authentically and effectively online.


Selling on social media as a therapist isn’t sleazy or manipulative – it’s an act of service, empowerment, and advocacy. By reframing your mindset and embracing your role as a changemaker, you can leverage these powerful platforms to reach your ideal clients, make a profound impact on their lives, and contribute to a larger shift in the way society views mental health.

Your expertise and guidance are needed now more than ever. By showing up consistently and authentically on social media, you’re not only growing your practice but also paving the way for a more compassionate, resilient, and emotionally healthy world.

If you’re ready to break free from limiting beliefs and confidently promote your services on social media, I invite you to book your Social Media Empower Hour today. In just 60 minutes, you’ll gain the clarity, strategies, and mindset shifts you need to make a meaningful impact online and beyond.